Israel’s hands will be cut off if it makes a mistake of attacking Iran, warns senior Iran military official

Tehran – The military exercise conducted by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards is a serious warning to Israel. ‘If Israel makes a mistake of attacking Iran soon, we will cut off Israel’s (Zionist regime’s) hands,’ said General Hossein Salami, head of the Revolutionary Guards. The newly-appointed head of Israel’s air force, Major General Tomer Bar, announced that Israeli warplanes were ready to attack Iran. This is seen as a response from Iran.


Iran, Israel, Iran Revolutionary Guards,The Revolutionary Guards of Iran conducted their annual military exercise in southern Iran, which began on Monday and concluded on Friday. The Iranian military launched at least 16 missiles with different ranges during the five-day exercise, including Emad, Ghadr, Sejjil, Zelzal, Dezful and Zolfaghar. The Revolutionary Guards warned that Zolfaghar, a short-range ballistic missile with a range of up to 700 kms, could strike US military bases in the area. Sejjil is a ballistic missile with a range of 2,000 km. The Revolutionary Guards warned that these missiles could strike Israel. Iran also tested surveillance, assault, and suicide drones during the exercise.

Moreover, General Hossein Salami warned that there is not much difference between military drills and actual military action as the only change is the target. Iran’s army chief, Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri, also said the exercise was a signal to Israel. He said that through these exercises, Iran has responded to the warnings of Israel. He further warned that these are just a few missiles out of huge stockpiles which can hit the target at once.

Iran, Israel, Iran Revolutionary Guards,For the past few days, Israeli and Iranian leaders and military officials have been threatening each other. Israel is accusing Iran of pushing the Vienna discussion on the nuclear deal ahead and speeding up its nuclear programs. Israel has been critical about the ongoing nuclear discussion. Israeli military officials have also warned of possible attacks on Iran’s nuclear program. The newly appointed Israeli air force chief has claimed that Israeli warplanes would strike Iran the next day if ordered to do so.

A senior Iranian military official has said that Israel cannot attack Iran without US permission. However, on the other hand, Iran does not need permission from anyone to attack Israel is threatened.

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