Slapping of sanctions against nations risk US dollar’s global dominance – US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen claims

Slapping of sanctions against nations risk US dollar’s global dominance – US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen claims

Washington – When the United States uses the dollar to carry out economic sanctions, the dominance of the dollar will be at risk in the international economy, claimed the US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. At this time, she also admitted that countries like China, Russia and Iran are looking for an alternative to the US […]

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Weapons sent to Ukraine end up in the hands of terrorist & criminal gangs – Russian Ambassador to the UN alleges

Weapons sent to Ukraine end up in the hands of terrorist & criminal gangs – Russian Ambassador to the UN alleges

Moscow/Kyiv: Russia’s Ambassador to the United Nations accused the US and European countries of weapons to Ukraine falling into the hands of terrorist groups and criminal gangs. At the Security Council meeting on Monday, Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia also criticized the West’s behaviour saying the arms supply to Ukraine showed their dishonesty. While Russia is making […]

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World Trade Organisation should listen to the countries with a different opinion too – Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman urges WTO

World Trade Organisation should listen to the countries with a different opinion too – Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman urges WTO

Washington: The World Trade Organization (WTO) must now be more progressive. If a country has something different to say, the WTO should listen to it. Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman indirectly drew attention to the discrimination in the WTO by saying that these countries are not just sitting and listening. India has repeatedly said that […]

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Ethnic conflict in Benue, Nigeria, killed 74 people, while 80 were abducted in Zamfara, Northwest Nigeria.

Ethnic conflict in Benue, Nigeria, killed 74 people, while 80 were abducted in Zamfara, Northwest Nigeria.

Maiduguri – Violence in Benue, the province of Nigeria, killed 74 people. Local security agencies have claimed that it was part of the ethnic massacre. Moreover, armed groups associated with nomadic tribes were said to have attacked two parts of the same province. Meanwhile, the media has reported that a terrorist group has kidnapped as […]

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Israel prepares to involve Indonesia as well in the Abraham Accords

Israel prepares to involve Indonesia as well in the Abraham Accords

Jerusalem – After UAE, Bahrain and Morocco, Israel has been trying to add four more Islamic countries to the Abraham Accord. These include countries like Indonesia, Mauritania, Somalia and Niger. Besides, information has surfaced that Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen has been making moves for this. There were reports that the US Biden administration has […]

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Tracking weapons supplied by US to Ukraine difficult – DOD Inspector General claims

Tracking weapons supplied by US to Ukraine difficult – DOD Inspector General claims

Washington/ Kyiv: Inspector General of the Department of Defense Robert P. Storch has claimed that keeping track of the US arms supply to Ukraine is difficult. In Tuesday’s US congressional committee hearing, Storch indirectly admitted that tracking exactly who gets the weapons given to Ukraine is impossible. The US is said to have supplied Ukraine […]

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