Iranian navy begins military exercise in the Caspian Sea

Iranian navy begins military exercise in the Caspian Sea

Tehran – Iran’s navy has started an extensive military exercise in the Caspian Sea. Iran has announced that it is conducting the exercise to secure its northern maritime border and maritime traffic. Last week, Iran’s neighbour Azerbaijan held a naval activity in the region. Since then, Iran has also been seen holding exercises. According to […]

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UN officials demand probe into the role of Iran President-elect Ebrahim Raisi in 1988 killings

UN officials demand probe into the role of Iran President-elect Ebrahim Raisi in 1988 killings

Geneva/ Tehran – The senior officials of the United Nations have demanded an investigation on the current President-elect of Iran regarding the massacre carried out in 1988 in Iran. As soon as Javaid Rehman, designated as Investigator in the UN Human Rights Council, demanded a probe into this matter, there were accusations that efforts were […]

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US airstrikes on Iran-linked groups in Iraq and Syria

US airstrikes on Iran-linked groups in Iraq and Syria

Washington – The United States has responded to drone and rocket attacks on US troops, military bases and embassies in Iraq over the past three months. The Pentagon has announced that it has carried out airstrikes on terrorist havens in Iraq and Syria, targeting US interests. The Iran-linked militant group has since threatened to retaliate […]

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Ex-Iran President alleges relatives of top Iranian leaders having links with Israel

Ex-Iran President alleges relatives of top Iranian leaders having links with Israel

Tehran – Former Iranian President, Mahmood Ahmadinejad, made a sensational claim a few days ago that senior Iranian intelligence officials are Israeli agents. In addition, Ahmadinejad levelled serious allegations against the relatives of Iranian supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Khamenei. Ahmadinejad had shockingly claimed that Khamenei’s brother-in-law has links with Israel and even planned a visit […]

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Iran’s Bushehr nuclear plant shutdown due to technical issues, announces Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran

Iran’s Bushehr nuclear plant shutdown due to technical issues, announces Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran

Tehran: – Bushehr, the only Nuclear Power Plant in Iran, has been suddenly shut down. The Iranian Atomic Energy Organisation informed that the plant would remain closed for the next three to four days, owing to a technical glitch. The Iranian agencies have avoided pinning the responsibility for this on anyone. But a senior Israeli […]

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Iran releases details its stocks of enriched Uranium

Iran releases details its stocks of enriched Uranium

Tehran – It is claimed that the US-Iran negotiations, being held in Vienna, regarding the nuclear deal are dragging on. Amid this, Iran made a major announcement regarding its enriched Uranium stocks. The Rouhani government in Iran announced that Iran has a stock of 6.5 kilograms of 60% purity and 108 kilograms of 20% purity, […]

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