Threatening Syrian regime and Russia with war, Turkish President talks to President Putin

Threatening Syrian regime and Russia with war, Turkish President talks to President Putin

Moscow/Ankara: Turkey, threatening the Syrian government and Russia with war, has softened its tone after losing 33 of its soldiers in the Idlib province of Syria. It is reported that the Turkish President held telephonic discussions with the Russian President and made a demand for a ceasefire. There are Turkish soldiers in the Idlib city […]

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33 Turkish soldiers killed in Syrian army attack in Idlib 

33 Turkish soldiers killed in Syrian army attack in Idlib 

Damascus: 33 Turkish soldiers have been killed in an attack launched by the Syrian army in northwest Idlib province. Russia supported the Syrian army attack accusing that Turkish soldiers were embedded with the terrorist group when attacked. However, Turkey has expressed discontent over the attack, issuing a warning that all the Syrian army bases will […]

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More than 100 killed in the Syrian conflict, the Assad regime in Syria warns Turkey  

More than 100 killed in the Syrian conflict, the Assad regime in Syria warns Turkey  

Damascus/Moscow/Ankara: More than 100 people, including 9 Syrian soldiers, have been killed in the conflict sparked between Turkey and the Syrian military since Monday in the Aleppo and Idlib provinces. Following which, infuriated Assad government issued a warning, “There will be a strong retaliation against those violating the Syrian airspace and launching attacks.” Nevertheless, reports […]

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Syrian soldiers will face fierce attacks, warns Turkish President Erdogan  

Syrian soldiers will face fierce attacks, warns Turkish President Erdogan  

Ankara/Damascus: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened ‘If a single Turkish soldier is injured henceforth, Syria will have to pay a very dear cost for it. Syrian soldiers will be attacked wherever they are seen.’ The Turkish defence ministry informed that 51 Syrian soldiers were killed in action taken by the Turkey-affiliated Syrian rebels. At […]

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25 killed in Russian attacks in Idlib in Syria, informs Syrian human rights organisation

25 killed in Russian attacks in Idlib in Syria, informs Syrian human rights organisation

Damascus/Beirut: 25 people were killed in the attacks launched by Russia and the Syrian military, in the Idlib and Aleppo regions of Syria, over the last 24 hours. At the same time, Syria has captured the M5 highway and the Syrian soldiers are headed to the Taftanaz military base built by Turkey. Therefore, the possibility […]

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Passenger airbus survives a Syrian rocket attack; Russia blames Israel

Passenger airbus survives a Syrian rocket attack; Russia blames Israel

Moscow: While the news of Iran shooting down a Ukrainian passenger plane has emerged only recently, a similar mishap was averted from almost happening in Syria. The passenger airbus that was flying with nearly 172 people was saved from downing due to the Syrian military’s rocket attack. The Syrian army had taken this action to […]

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Attacks on Iranian military bases in Syria, 12 militants from Iran-affiliated groups killed

Attacks on Iranian military bases in Syria, 12 militants from Iran-affiliated groups killed

Damascus: Twelve soldiers were killed in the attacks on three military bases of Iran-affiliated groups, near the Syrian capital of Damascus. The Syrian government news agency has published this report and has accused Israel of being responsible for the attacks. At the same time, the news agency claimed that the Syrian military successfully neutralised these […]

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Turkish President warns Syria to stay away from Turkish military posts in Idlib

Turkish President warns Syria to stay away from Turkish military posts in Idlib

Ankara: Turkish President Recep Erdogan warned, ‘The Syrian military, who have laid siege on the Turkish military posts should retreat. Otherwise, Turkey will take over all the controls.’ The Turkish President has given a timeline of three weeks to the Syrian military. Meanwhile, the United States, the United Kingdom and France have demanded a meeting […]

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90 killed in the conflict at Idlib in Syria, Syria military foiled three terrorist plots

90 killed in the conflict at Idlib in Syria, Syria military foiled three terrorist plots

Damascus: The conflict raging between the Syrian military and the terrorists, to gain control over Idlib, has claimed 90 lives and these include 40 Syrian soldiers. The Syrian military claimed to have foiled three plots of the terrorists, to target the Syrian soldiers. Meanwhile, the Syrian military withdrew from certain parts of Idlib, following fierce […]

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Iranian ammunition along Syria-Iraq border destroyed in an airstrike, claim Lebanese and Syrian media

Iranian ammunition along Syria-Iraq border destroyed in an airstrike, claim Lebanese and Syrian media

Damascus: Massive airstrikes were carried out on a military base at Al Bukamal in the east of Syria. In the airstrike that was launched on Thursday night, depots for ballistic missiles were destroyed, claimed Syrian as well as Lebanese media. The news agencies of these countries have attributed the attack to Israeli fighter jets. The […]

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