US may soon announce cuts in military deployment in Africa, considering rise in threat from Russia and China

US may soon announce cuts in military deployment in Africa, considering rise in threat from Russia and China

Washington: The US Congress and think tanks have been warning against the Russian, and Chinese threat to US security observed to be rising by the day. Given the threat, the United States has prepared to withdraw its soldiers from the African continent. While dispensing this information, the Pentagon officials clarified the United States’ position regarding […]

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60 al Shabaab militants killed in US air attacks in Somalia, African command claims it to be the biggest operation of the year

60 al Shabaab militants killed in US air attacks in Somalia, African command claims it to be the biggest operation of the year

Mogadishu/Washington: 60 al Shabaab militants have been killed in the operation carried out by the United States in Somalia. The African Command of the US Defence Forces has given this information and has said that it was that biggest air raid of the year. The US officials said that this was in retaliation of the […]

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Chinese missile-equipped drones in demand in the Middle East and African nations

Chinese missile-equipped drones in demand in the Middle East and African nations

Beijing: China has started challenging the United States’ dominance in the defence equipment manufacturing in the Asia-Pacific sector. Pentagon, the US military headquarter has expressed concern about this in a recently published report. The US study groups have said that there is an increase in demand for Chinese missile-equipped drones from the Gulf and African […]

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On the background of President Xi Jinping’s announcement, the huge Chinese investment in Africa caught in a whirlwind of controversy

On the background of President Xi Jinping’s announcement, the huge Chinese investment in Africa caught in a whirlwind of controversy

Beijing: ‘It is time for the African leadership to have a brutally honest self-assessment regarding the relationship with China. Is China following the footsteps of the countries that exploited Africa before?’ Daily Nation Kenya. ‘China is 70th in the list of the Per Capita Income and millions of its citizens are still below poverty line waiting […]

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The extent of US ‘Secret Wars’ in Africa widens, claims a US website

The extent of US ‘Secret Wars’ in Africa widens, claims a US website

Washington/Niger: The United States has lost six soldiers in Africa in the last one year. It is said that there were four commandos among them. A website has claimed that these commandos were killed in the ‘Secret Wars’ started by the United States in the African continent. This goes to show the activities of ‘Africom’ […]

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South Africa welcomes Indian PM Narendra Modi, discusses bilateral trade

South Africa welcomes Indian PM Narendra Modi, discusses bilateral trade

Pretoria: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed satisfaction on his Uganda visit saying it to be successful. The Prime Minster arrived in South Africa from Uganda to participate in the BRICS summit. This summit will make efforts to increase the cooperation between the BRICS nations and the African nations. In view of this, the summit […]

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East and southern African countries debate accepting Chinese Yuan as reserve currency at the conference in Zimbabwe

East and southern African countries debate accepting Chinese Yuan as reserve currency at the conference in Zimbabwe

Harare: Influence and scope of the Chinese Yuan which was accepted as a global ‘Reserve Currency’ by the International Monetary Fund two years ago, is on the rise. In an economic conference held in Africa on Monday, there were comprehensive discussions about officially accepting Yuan as a Reserve Currency. A few African countries including Angola, […]

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Eight more countries in Africa may be hit by Ebola following Congo, warns the World Health Organisation

Eight more countries in Africa may be hit by Ebola following Congo, warns the World Health Organisation

Geneva/Kinshasa: The Ebola epidemic has reached dangerous proportions and has already claimed 26 lives. The World Health Organisation has warned that this epidemic in Congo is extremely dangerous and eight more countries in Africa might contract this epidemic in the near future. This is the eighth time that the African nations have contracted Ebola epidemic […]

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59 soldiers killed in attack launched by Al Shabaab militant organisation on ‘African Union’ base in Somalia

59 soldiers killed in attack launched by Al Shabaab militant organisation on ‘African Union’ base in Somalia

Mogadishu: The ‘Al Shabaab’ militant organisation carried out a dreadful attack on the ‘African Union’ army base in Somalia on Sunday. ‘Al Shabaab’ has claimed to have killed 59 soldiers in this attack. Officials of the African Union have refuted the claim and said that 22 terrorists were killed in the retaliatory action. The African […]

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