Illegal refugee influx will spark a civil war in Europe, warns US entrepreneur Elon Musk

Illegal refugee influx will spark a civil war in Europe, warns US entrepreneur Elon Musk

Washington/Brussels – Top US entrepreneur Elon Musk has warned that a civil war will soon erupt if the influx of refugees into Europe continues. Besides, leading European countries such as Italy, Spain, Greece, and the UK are increasingly being infused with refugees. A sense of dissatisfaction has spread in Europe over this issue, which has […]

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Signs of migrant crisis intensifying in Europe; over 7,000 refugees arrive in Italy in 24 hours

Signs of migrant crisis intensifying in Europe; over 7,000 refugees arrive in Italy in 24 hours

Rome/Berlin – The issue of refugees infiltrating Europe from African countries has again become a topic of discussion. A total of 7,000 refugees have arrived on Lampedusa Island in Italy within 24 hours between Tuesday and Wednesday. Also, the administration of Lampedusa Island has declared a state of emergency due to this influx of refugees. […]

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Divide Brazil into five parts due to its support for Russia – Austrian economist associated with NATO urges

Divide Brazil into five parts due to its support for Russia – Austrian economist associated with NATO urges

Brussels: ‘Brazilian President Lula da Silva should change his stance. Brazil should also assist Ukraine in its conflict against Russia. If President Silva is not ready for this, divide Brazil into five parts: Austrian economic expert Gunther Fellinger’s advice to NATO. Austrian financial expert is being claimed to be associated with NATO. Because of his […]

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Military intervention in Niger would be an invitation to war – neighbouring countries Burkina Faso and Mali warn

Military intervention in Niger would be an invitation to war – neighbouring countries Burkina Faso and Mali warn

Niamey: European countries have launched rescue operations to evacuate their citizens safely after a military intervention in Niger. Information is surfacing that France will soon start a rescue operation here, and there will be attacks on the army of Niger if necessary. The organisation of West African Nations has also given the Nigerian army a […]

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BRICS payment system will replace SWIFT in the non-Western world – Senior Russian leader claims

BRICS payment system will replace SWIFT in the non-Western world – Senior Russian leader claims

Moscow: The unipolar system has begun to collapse globally, and a new multipolar system is forming. In this new world away from the dominance of the Western world, the ‘payment system’ developed by the ‘BRICS’ group will replace the existing ‘SWIFT network’, claimed senior Russian leader Igor Morozov. Morozov is a senior parliamentarian of Russia […]

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China eroded India’s trust due to ‘Galwan’ – NSA Ajit Doval

China eroded India’s trust due to ‘Galwan’ – NSA Ajit Doval

New Delhi – Chinese company BYD proposed investing $100 million in India by manufacturing electric vehicles. However, India rejected this proposal of China by citing the threat to national security. Thus, China’s reaction has come to the fore. Senior political official Wang Yi, China recently declared as foreign minister, said that India and China are […]

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