Terrorism will increase in Iraq-Syria after the US military withdrawal, concern expressed in a Pentagon report

Terrorism will increase in Iraq-Syria after the US military withdrawal, concern expressed in a Pentagon report

Washington: US defence headquarters, Pentagon, has expressed concerns over President Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from Syria. Pentagon warned in its new report ‘If the United States withdrew the military from Syria, IS will get revived once again, and the terrorism in this country will increase. At the same time, the threat to the US […]

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31 soldiers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards killed in an explosion at the Syrian airbase, claims UK based human rights organisation

31 soldiers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards killed in an explosion at the Syrian airbase, claims UK based human rights organisation

London/Beirut: 31 soldiers from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were killed in a blast in the all-important Shayrat airbase in Syria. Although the Syrian mouthpiece has claimed technical error as the cause of explosion, a Britain based Human rights organisation has expressed the possibility of another reason behind the blast. Earlier, it was revealed that the […]

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Israel attacked Iranian bases in Syria, claims Syrian news channel

Israel attacked Iranian bases in Syria, claims Syrian news channel

Damascus: Important Iranian bases were destroyed in the attacks carried out by the Israeli military, after Tuesday midnight. The Syrian government news channel claimed that soldiers from Iran and Iran affiliated organisations were injured in the attack. Hezbollah had recently threatened that Iran and them have established bases near the Golan region, in southern Syria […]

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In a conflict with US, Syria will support Iran, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

In a conflict with US, Syria will support Iran, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Damascus: “If the United States attacked Iran, Syria would be with Iran in the war,” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad announced. Meanwhile, Hamas from Gaza Strip, also announced that their cooperation with Iran was at its peak. Earlier, Hezbollah from Lebanon has already announced that they will firmly stand behind Iran and have threatened the United […]

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Syrian air defence system devastated in an Israeli attack

Syrian air defence system devastated in an Israeli attack

Jerusalem/Damascus: The Israeli military destroyed the Syrian air defence system, in a fierce attack on Monday night. Two soldiers from the Syrian army were killed in the attack. The Syrian military had opened fire on an Israeli aircraft patrolling in Golan. The Israeli military said that this attack was in retaliation of the previous Syrian […]

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Turkey supplies weapons to the Syria rebels fighting the Syrian and Russian militaries

Turkey supplies weapons to the Syria rebels fighting the Syrian and Russian militaries

Amman: Since the last few weeks, Turkey has opened a front against the attacks initiated by the Syrian and Russian military on Idlib. Turkey has started the supply of weapons to the Syrian rebels, including anti-tank missiles. Turkey is said to have taken this decision after the talks with Russia failed. However, it has come […]

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Syrian air defence system destroyed by the Israeli Harpy Drone; Syrian soldiers accept on social media

Syrian air defence system destroyed by the Israeli Harpy Drone; Syrian soldiers accept on social media

Damascus: The Harpy-2 drone developed by the Israeli military has been challenging the Syrian air defence systems. A shocking revelation that at least three of the Syrian air defence systems, have been devastated by the suicidal Harpy-2 drones, operational in Israeli defence forces has come to the fore. Syrian soldiers confirm the same through their […]

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Attacks in Syria from Golan region in Israel, Syrian Government accusation

Attacks in Syria from Golan region in Israel, Syrian Government accusation

Damascus: There were attack on Syria from the Golan Hills region of Israel. But as claimed by the Syrian mouthpiece newspaper, the alert Syrian air defence systems, foiled the Israeli attack. Israel has not commented on the accusations levelled by the Syrian government. Syria, even in the past, has accused Israel of rocket attacks. Friday […]

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After US warship diplomacy in the Mediterranean Sea; Russia holds war exercises in the Syrian marine region

After US warship diplomacy in the Mediterranean Sea; Russia holds war exercises in the Syrian marine region

Beirut: Russia has replied to the United States, who issued a warning to Russia, through Warship diplomacy, deploying two of its aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea. As per the information received, the Russian navy deployed at the Tartous port in Syria held war exercises in that marine region. As per the media claims, these […]

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Russia in connivance with Israel; allege Syrian officials

Russia in connivance with Israel; allege Syrian officials

Damascus: The repercussions of the Israeli attack, on the Iranian military base in Syria, are being felt. A senior Syrian official raised a question, as to why didn’t the Russian S-300 air defence system, deployed near the Masyaf military base retaliate, when the Israeli fighter jets were attacking the military base. This officer levelled a […]

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