Israeli Defence Minister on Russia visit to discuss about Iran

Israeli Defence Minister on Russia visit to discuss about Iran

Jerusalem: Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman is reaching Russia to discuss the Iranian military movements in Syria. As per the information received, the Israeli Defence Minister will meet the Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoygu during his visit, to discuss the Iran issue. The importance of this visit by the Israeli Prime Minister has increased after […]

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Israel’s airstrikes in Gaza Strip in retaliation to the Hamas firing

Israel’s airstrikes in Gaza Strip in retaliation to the Hamas firing

Jerusalem: Hamas resorted to firing at the Israeli border area after the Israeli military killed 50 Hamas members in its action on the Gaza Strip border. In reply the Israeli fighter jets carried out airstrikes in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday night. The Israeli military has claimed to have destroyed four large Hamas locations in […]

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‘We attacked because Iran crossed the ‘Red Line,’ claims Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

‘We attacked because Iran crossed the ‘Red Line,’ claims Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

Jerusalem: ‘Iran crossed the ‘Red Line’ by attacking Israel and therefore, Israel too attacked the Iranian bases in Syria. We, therefore, hold Iran responsible for the attacks,’ said Israel Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. These attacks were a warning for the Syrian Dictator, Assad, emphasised Netanyahu. Prime Minister Netanyahu stated on the social media that Israel […]

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Iran can attack Israel’s northern border, claim Israeli officials

Iran can attack Israel’s northern border, claim Israeli officials

Jerusalem: The Israeli military officials claimed that Iran can attack against the background of the Israeli attacks on the Iranian military bases in Syria last month. As a revenge for the same, Iran might carry out missile attacks on the northern Israeli border. These officials informed that Israel has made preparations to retaliate against any […]

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Better to wage war with Iran now, rather than procrastinating the inevitable, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

Better to wage war with Iran now, rather than procrastinating the inevitable, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

Jerusalem: ‘If the war with Iran is inevitable, it is better to wage one now rather than postponing it,’ clarified Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the meeting of his ministers. ‘Iran is arming the Hezbollah in Syria and this increases the threat for Israel. Therefore, it is imperative for Israel to stop Iran, even […]

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The War between Iran and Israel is likely to explode at any moment, warns the US Secretary of Defence

The War between Iran and Israel is likely to explode at any moment, warns the US Secretary of Defence

Washington: ‘I can see that this war might explode anytime, but can’t be said when and how,’ said the US Secretary of Defence, James Mattis. Mattis issued this warning while talking about the potential war between Israel and Iran in Syria. Defence Secretary Mattis expressed this grave possibility while talking to the press, after discussions […]

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US increases patrols in Syria with likelihood of Iran attacking Israel

US increases patrols in Syria with likelihood of Iran attacking Israel

Washington: US fighter jets, drones, warships and satellites have been keeping a close eye on the movements of Iran and Iranian proxy Hezbollah as well as other outfits in Syria. The possibility of Iran’s attack on Israel has increased after the Iranian arms reached Syria in the last few days. Therefore, the United States has […]

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‘Hamas Engineer’ killed in Malaysia was no saint: Israeli Defence Minister

‘Hamas Engineer’ killed in Malaysia was no saint: Israeli Defence Minister

Jerusalem: Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman answered the criticism on Israel with his statement, ‘The Hamas engineer ‘Fadi Mohammad al-Batsh’ killed in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur was no saint’. ‘Fadi al-Batsh’ was killed in a shootout in the Malaysian capital on Saturday night. Palestinian terrorist organisation Hamas has claimed Fadi to be a […]

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Israeli airbases are within Iran’s reach, warn Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander

Israeli airbases are within Iran’s reach, warn Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander

Tehran: ‘Israel is in the dragon’s mouth and its adversaries are much stronger than before, said Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and warned Israel that its airbases were within range Iran’s missiles. Commander Hossein Salami, the second in command of the Revolutionary Guard has warned Israel that it should not depend on its airbases claiming that Iran […]

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