Japan conducts major military exercises in view of rising tensions with China, North Korea

Japan conducts major military exercises in view of rising tensions with China, North Korea

Tokyo: ‘Self Defence Force’ the main unit of Japanese military has initiated a military exercise. In view of the increasing tension with China with regards to the ‘East China Sea’ and the North Korean threat, Japan has organised this exercise. Japanese army has also established a new headquarter and an additional military command, in view […]

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Trump-Kim meeting possible only after concrete steps by North Korea, says White House

Trump-Kim meeting possible only after concrete steps by North Korea, says White House

Washington : US President Donald Trump may have expressed willingness to meet North Korean Dictator ‘Kim- Jong-Un’ but it is not possible without actions from North Korea. White House clarified that the Trump-Kim meeting is possible only if North Korea implements the promise to stop the nuclear program. Meanwhile, Chinese President Xi Jinping has had […]

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US President Donald Trump to meet North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un

US President Donald Trump to meet North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un

Washington/Seoul: The US President Donald Trump has accepted North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un’s proposal to discuss the issues related to the Nuclear program in person. South Korea has provided information that US President Trump will visit North Korean Dictator in the month of May. Meanwhile, the White House has confirmed that although President Trump will […]

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Negotiations with North Korea possible only under right conditions, says US President Donald Trump

Negotiations with North Korea possible only under right conditions, says US President Donald Trump

Washington/Seoul :South Korea has appealed that the United States and North Korea should create a conducive atmosphere for discussions in order to reduce the tension in the Korean region. South Korea seems to have made this appeal about North Korea to the United States, after the Olympic Games, concluded a couple of days before. But […]

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First strike on North Korea will be ineffective, warns Former US PACOM Chief

First strike on North Korea will be ineffective, warns Former US PACOM Chief

Washington: A former high ranking official has advised that the United States should not resort to ‘First Strike’ against North Korea, in spite of the heightened tension between the two countries. The first Strike by the United States against North Korea can result in a very dangerous and unexpected reaction, warned retired Admiral Dennis Blair. […]

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US and South Korea will jointly curb North Korea’s nuclear arms production, says US Defense Secretary James Mattis

US and South Korea will jointly curb North Korea’s nuclear arms production, says US Defense Secretary James Mattis

Honolulu: “The US welcomes the discussions between both Korean nations on the background of the Olympic games. But despite this, US and South Korea are firm about their position of joining hands to stop North Korea from manufacturing nuclear arms,” announced US Defense Secretary James Mattis. He also declared that the US was prepared to […]

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‘Missile drill’ In Japanese capital to counter the threat of missile attacks by North Korea

‘Missile drill’ In Japanese capital to counter the threat of missile attacks by North Korea

Tokyo: Japan has started all round preparations to counter the dangers of the irresponsible nuclear and missile tests conducted by North Korea. All possible measures are being taken to keep the Japanese population prepared for an eventuality of a North Korean offensive. A rehearsal was conducted about the same with a ‘missile drill’ on Monday. […]

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