Israel’s fighter planes will attack Syria again indicates Israel’s Prime Minister.

Israel’s fighter planes will attack Syria again indicates Israel’s Prime Minister.

Jerusalem : To restrict the flow of arms to the terrorists of Hezbollah, the fighter planes of Israel had mounted attacks. Henceforth too, if attempts are made to arm Hezbollah the fighter planes of Israel will continue such attacks, indicated the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu strongly. At the same time, the Israel military […]

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Use of ‘Mini Uranium’ by US in the attacks on ‘IS’ in Syria

Use of ‘Mini Uranium’ by  US  in the attacks  on ‘IS’ in Syria

Washington : The use of low capacity uranium has been used by the US bomber planes  in the rounds of attacks on IS’s locations in Syria. The US ‘Central Command’ (Cent Com) revealed that during the tenure of President Obama, the US planes had hit IS’s locations at least 5000 times. International Organisations are expressing fears […]

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Russian airstrikes in Syria kills 3 Turkish soldiers ‘accidentally’

Russian airstrikes in Syria kills 3 Turkish soldiers ‘accidentally’

Moscow/Ankara: In the air strikes carried out by the Russian warplanes in Syria’s ‘Al–Bab’, three Turkish soldiers were killed and 11 soldiers were wounded. Nevertheless, Russia expressed regret over the incident by saying that the Russian warplanes had accidentally launched attacks on places where the Turkish soldiers had been located. Turkey has also corroborated over […]

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Change in Egypt and Turkey’s positions on Syria indicative of support to President Assad

Change in Egypt and Turkey’s positions on Syria indicative of support to President Assad

Cairo/Istanbul: Four years back, the countries like Egypt and Turkey who were a part of the attempt to overthrow the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government with Saudi Arabia’s support currently seem to have changed their positions. This claim has been made in an article published by the ‘Center for American Progress’, a study group based […]

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Israeli fighter planes attack Hezbollah sites in Syria

Israeli fighter planes attack Hezbollah sites in Syria

Jerusalem : Israeli fighter planes carried out air strikes near Damascus, the capital city of Syria. During this attack, Israeli planes targeted the locations of the pro-Syrian government terrorist group Hezbollah. An Arabian news agency has published information about this. However, neither Israeli nor Syrian army has commented about these air strikes. After Tuesday midnight, […]

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