European and Arab countries condemn Turkey after attacks on Syrian Kurds, initiate steps to corner Turkey

European and Arab countries condemn Turkey after attacks on Syrian Kurds, initiate steps to corner Turkey

Brussels/Cairo: Turkey, which is carrying out fierce attacks on the Syrian Kurds, appears to have been isolated globally. Significant protests have flared up in the European countries, against the Turkish action and many countries, including Germany and France, have announced sanctions against the state. At the same time, the Turkish President, who aspires to dominate […]

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Turkish action in Syria will help IS increase its influence, claim US and UK military officials

Turkish action in Syria will help IS increase its influence, claim US and UK military officials

Ankara/Damascus: Turkish President Recep Erdogan is claiming that the Turkish action is to expel the terrorists and establish peace and stability in northern Syria. But the military officials have expressed fears that this Turkish action initiated, without the participation of any other Gulf countries, will help the terrorist organisation IS, to increase its influence in […]

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Turkey initiates attacks on Syrian Kurds, announces Turkish President Erdogan

Turkey initiates attacks on Syrian Kurds, announces Turkish President Erdogan

Qamishli/Ankara: Turkish President, Recep Erdogan announced that the Turkish military and Syrian rebels supporting Turkey have initiated attacks on the Syrian Kurds. President Erdogan claimed that the Turkish military is also targeting the IS terrorists along with the Syrian Kurds. But the locals said that the Turkish fighter jets are carrying out attacks in the […]

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Turkey initiates bomb attacks on Syria following US withdrawal, claim Syrian media

Turkey initiates bomb attacks on Syria following US withdrawal, claim Syrian media

Damascus/Washington: The US President announced military withdrawal from Syria. Within only a few hours of the announcement, the Turkish military, initiated bombing in the predominantly Kurdish areas, claimed the Syrian media. The armed Kurdish organisations have warned of retaliation against the Turkish action and have indicated that cooperation will be sought from the Syrian and […]

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Turkey prepares for military action in Syria, Russia increases military deployment in Aleppo

Turkey prepares for military action in Syria, Russia increases military deployment in Aleppo

Ankara/Beirut: Turkey, who announced the creation of a ‘Safe Zone’ in Syria, has started military movements for implementation of the project. The United States declared that it will remain neutral in this matter, saying that the Turkish military will enter Syria any time now. However, Russia has increased its military deployment in the city of […]

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Syria increases military build-up near the Israeli Golan border

Syria increases military build-up near the Israeli Golan border

Damascus: The Assad government in Syria has sent additional military reinforcements near the Israeli Golan Hills border. A Syrian human rights organisation based in London informed that tanks, armoured vehicles, trucks carrying arms and thousands of soldiers, are headed towards the Golan border. The reason for this additional deployment is not apparent. However, the local […]

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Airstrikes on Iranian military base near the Syria-Iraq border, 18 terrorists from an Iran affiliated organisation killed

Airstrikes on Iranian military base near the Syria-Iraq border, 18 terrorists from an Iran affiliated organisation killed

Beirut/London: The military bases built by Iran on the Syria-Iraq border were destroyed on Sunday night. 18 terrorists, attached to an Iran affiliated group were killed, in the attack on the concerned military base. A London based Arabic newspaper and the Syrian human rights organisation released this information. Following this attack, rockets were launched in […]

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Iranian military bases in Syria under Fresh attacks, Syria claims of fending off the attacks

Iranian military bases in Syria under Fresh attacks, Syria claims of fending off the attacks

Damascus: – Syrian news agency claimed that Syria neutralised missile attacks, on an Iranian military base, in the Homs province. The Syrian news agency claimed that the military thwarted these attacks with the help of the air defence system. The news agency expressed a possibility that the attacks were carried out by Israel. But Israel […]

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Will shower Israel with missiles if military action taken in the Gaza strip, says Hamas leader

Will shower Israel with missiles if military action taken in the Gaza strip, says Hamas leader

Gaza: “Israeli military should learn a lesson from history. In the times to come, if the Israeli military initiated an action in the Gaza Strip, we will shower Israeli city with missile barrages. Hamas will defeat Israel in this war,” Hamas Chief Yahya Sinwar said. Last week, Benny Gantz, the head of the Blue and […]

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Terrorists attack Russian military base with drones and rockets

Terrorists attack Russian military base with drones and rockets

Damascus: The Khmeimim military airbase near the western Syrian border, has become the target for the terrorists. In the last 24 hours, the terrorists in Syria launched drone and rocket attacks on this Russian airbase. Four people were injured in the attack, and the Russian military seized six drones. It is being revealed that the […]

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