Significant increase noted in China’s movements at an airbase near Taiwan

Significant increase noted in China’s movements at an airbase near Taiwan

Beijing/Taipei: China, who has started a spate of issuing threats to Taiwan following the change of guard in the United States, has accelerated its inciting activities. As per received reports, China has started building new airstrips and other facilities at airbases within just 200 kilometres of Taiwan. Satellite photographs of the activities have also been […]

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MI6 to investigate British universities which allegedly supplied confidential information to China

MI6 to investigate British universities which allegedly supplied confidential information to China

London/Beijing: – British intelligence agency MI6 will be investigating leading British universities with connections with China’s ruling communist party. It is said that the investigation started with a suspicion that the leading British universities and the experts in them are supplying advanced technologies to China. A few days ago, the name of Manchester University had […]

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Chinese aircraft ignore US warnings; intrude Taiwanese airspace

Chinese aircraft ignore US warnings; intrude Taiwanese airspace

Taipei: – A few days ago, the United States issued a warning that China, threatening of war, with intrusion into the Taiwanese airspace, should be willing to pay the price. But without paying any heed to the US warning, 7 Chinese aircraft intruded into the Taiwanese airspace. The Taiwanese defence department has exposed the information […]

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Iran fires long-range missiles in the Indian Ocean

Iran fires long-range missiles in the Indian Ocean

 Washington: – Iran tested missiles with a strike range of 1,000 miles. One of these missiles landed at a distance of 20 miles from a commercial freight ship in the Indian Ocean. Whereas, as informed by a US news agency, the other missile landed just within 100 miles of US aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. A […]

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UK initiates action against human trafficking gangs: British Home Minister, Priti Patel

UK initiates action against human trafficking gangs: British Home Minister, Priti Patel

London: – After exiting the European Union, the United Kingdom has initiated a comprehensive action against illegal immigrants and gangs involved in human trafficking. A high-tech command centre has been setup for this purpose. British Home Minister Priti Patel has taken the lead in this matter. The extent of surveillance on land and the marine […]

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British PM needs to be highly vigilant while dealing with China, urges Conservative Party

British PM needs to be highly vigilant while dealing with China, urges Conservative Party

London: – The British ruling party has appealed that the United Kingdom needs to keep its eyes open while dealing with China, who is blatantly trampling human rights of its population. The human rights commission of the British ruling party presented an aggressive resolution showering criticism on China. This proposal advises British Prime Minister Boris […]

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Two French soldiers martyred in a terror attack in Mali

Two French soldiers martyred in a terror attack in Mali

Paris/Bamako: – Two French soldiers were martyred in an IED blast, carried out by a terrorist organisation, in the Menaka region in Mali. One soldier was injured in the blast- his condition is said to be critical. This becomes the second attack on the French army in the last seven days. Three soldiers were killed […]

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Indian Navy prepares to purchase drones, as China deploys drone submarine

Indian Navy prepares to purchase drones, as China deploys drone submarine

New Delhi: Recently, a report was published that China has deployed a submarine drone near the Indian Ocean region. Against this background, the Indian Navy has started preparations to purchase drones for deployment on warships. The Navy has submitted a proposal to purchase these drones at the cost of nearly ₹1.3 billion, to the defence […]

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China criticises US President Trump signing ‘Taiwan Assurance Act’ into a law

China criticises US President Trump signing ‘Taiwan Assurance Act’ into a law

Washington/Taipei: – President Trump has signed the Taiwan Assurance Act, guaranteeing weapons assistance and strong support on the international level for Taiwan. For strengthening relations with Taiwan, this bill had been passed by the US Congress in the last year itself. It is being said that the scope of cooperation with Taiwan will increase further […]

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