Israel airplanes and spies deployed on US military bases in Middle East: Iran news agency

Israel airplanes and spies deployed on US military bases in Middle East: Iran news agency

Tehran: Israel has deployed its airplanes, espionage equipment and agents on the US military bases in the Middle East. Extracting sensitive information regarding Iranian security is carried out from these bases. The Iranian news agency claimed that some of these bases are friendly with Iran in the Middle East nations. Iran accused that an attack […]

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Israel and neighbours form defence pact to counter drone attacks; Israeli news channel reports  

Israel and neighbours form defence pact to counter drone attacks; Israeli news channel reports  

Jerusalem: – Israel and its neighbouring countries are forming a defence front to counter-drone attacks. A leading news channel in Israel published this report. However, the news channel did not name the neighbouring countries in the report. It is claimed that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are getting closer, given the attacks by […]

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United Kingdom announces ‘Defence Space Strategy’; Ministry of Defence to invest $2 billion for space security

United Kingdom announces ‘Defence Space Strategy’; Ministry of Defence to invest $2 billion for space security

London: – The United Kingdom has announced an independent ‘Defence Space Strategy’ to counter the increasing threats in the space sector. Under this policy, the UK defence department will be investing $2 billion for the security of the space sector. Laser communication technology will be used in the space sector and a ‘Satellite Surveillance System’ […]

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Israel’s hands will be cut off if it makes a mistake of attacking Iran, warns senior Iran military official

Israel’s hands will be cut off if it makes a mistake of attacking Iran, warns senior Iran military official

Tehran – The military exercise conducted by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards is a serious warning to Israel. ‘If Israel makes a mistake of attacking Iran soon, we will cut off Israel’s (Zionist regime’s) hands,’ said General Hossein Salami, head of the Revolutionary Guards. The newly-appointed head of Israel’s air force, Major General Tomer Bar, announced that […]

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Israel-UAE to jointly develop drones for undersea war

Israel-UAE to jointly develop drones for undersea war

Dubai: Israel and UAE are establishing cooperation on newer fronts. On the occasion of Dubai air show, both nations have declared to develop drones (Unmanned Surface Vessels) for undersea wars. Moreover, Israel and UAE would be producing drones for military purposes and commercial too.  This deal was inked on Thursday, between Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and EDGE defence conglomerate from UAE. Accordingly, Israel and UAE would develop a […]

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Greece issues high alert following threats over migrant influx by Turkish President Erdogan

Greece issues high alert following threats over migrant influx by Turkish President Erdogan

Athens/Ankara: – The Greek defence forces have been placed on high alert following the threat issued by Turkish President Recep Erdogan over the immigrants’ issue. President Erdogan had threatened that Greece would face a lot of hardship if Turkey opened its borders for immigrants. While expressing displeasure over the cooperation developing between Greece and the […]

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