Israel’s involvement in the US-led front in the Persian Gulf will spark a war, threatens Iran naval chief

Israel’s involvement in the US-led front in the Persian Gulf will spark a war, threatens Iran naval chief

Tehran: Iranian naval chief Admiral Alireza Tangsiri issued a stern warning saying, “Israel should keep away from the naval front opened by the United States against Iran in the Persian Gulf. Israel should keep away from the Persian Gulf itself. If Israel joins the US front, war will be sparked in the Persian Gulf.” Also, […]

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US launches cyberattacks against Iran to retaliate to Saudi oil attacks, claims an international news agency

US launches cyberattacks against Iran to retaliate to Saudi oil attacks, claims an international news agency

Washington: The United States has retaliated against Iran, which is responsible for the attacks on the Saudi oil facilities. An international news agency revealed that the United States launched cyberattacks on one of Iran’s most critical system, quoting two US officials.  On 14th of September, dreadful drone and missile attacks were carried out on two oil facilities of Abqaiq and Khurais in Saudi Arabia. The Houthi rebels from Yemen had accepted […]

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Russia kicks off ‘Strategic Nuclear War Games’ with the deployment of 12,000 soldiers

Russia kicks off ‘Strategic Nuclear War Games’ with the deployment of 12,000 soldiers

Moscow: Against the background of the rising tension in the Middle East, Russia kicked off ‘Strategic Nuclear War Games’ on Tuesday, that would include 12,000 soldiers, 105 fighter jets, 15 warships, five submarines and more than 200 missile launchers. Along with the 16 ballistic and cruise missiles, the ‘Strategic Nuclear War Games’ set to last […]

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US President announces aid of $50 million to minorities in Syria

US President announces aid of $50 million to minorities in Syria

Washington/Damascus: Criticism is rife that the United States has given an opportunity to Turkey to massacre Kurds, by withdrawing the military from Syria. The US President had assured financial and military aid to the Kurds, saying that the United States will not leave the Kurds alone. President Trump has decided to implement the decision and […]

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Additional US deployment for the security of Saudi

Additional US deployment for the security of Saudi

Washington: The United States announced additional deployment, in view of increasing the security for Saudi. US Secretary of Defence, Mark Esper, announced that two more squadrons of fighter jets and nearly 3,000 additional soldiers would be deployed in Saudi under this. The US Secretary of Defence claimed that this additional deployment is being made to […]

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Russian intelligence planning to create instability and unrest in Europe claims US newspaper

Russian intelligence planning to create instability and unrest in Europe claims US newspaper

New York: ‘Unit 29155’, a group from Russian intelligence, is working on creating instability and turmoil in Europe. Since the last few years, Unit 29155 has attempted to create anarchy in the European countries by assassinating big leaders and officials. Leading the US daily ‘The New York Times’ made this claim. But the Russian analysts […]

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Avoiding action against Iran will result in more attacks on oil projects, warns Aramco chief

Avoiding action against Iran will result in more attacks on oil projects, warns Aramco chief

Riyadh: Amin Naseer, the chief officer of Aramco, the world’s largest oil-producing company, warned that the international community is inviting more attacks on the oil projects with inaction against the perpetrators of the attacks on the Saudi oil projects. The global energy sector will be under threat because of this negligence. Without mentioning any names, […]

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President Trump justifies US military withdrawal from Syria

President Trump justifies US military withdrawal from Syria

Washington: US President Donald Trump presented his stand in piercing words ‘The United States has squandered more than $8 trillion on the war in the Middle East. Thousands of our brave soldiers have lost their lives in this war. The United States has suffered immense loses, involving in these meaningless wars. The war was sparked […]

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The situation in the South China Sea will fester because of China, Vietnamese Foreign Minister warns UNGA

The situation in the South China Sea will fester because of China, Vietnamese Foreign Minister warns UNGA

New York/Hanoi: The Vietnamese Foreign Minister warned that the situation in the South China Sea could fester saying ‘There are complicated developments taking place in the South China Sea and Vietnam has repeatedly raised its voice against them and even expressed concerns. Some countries have tried to rock the sovereignty of Vietnam.’ Although Vietnam did […]

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The UK is at war every day because of the cyberattacks from Russia and other countries, says British defence chief General Nick Carter

The UK is at war every day because of the cyberattacks from Russia and other countries, says British defence chief General Nick Carter

London/Moscow: The character of warfare is evolving. Distinctions between peace and war “don’t exist any longer” in the modern world. I feel I am now at war, but it’s not a war in the way we would have defined it in the past. And that is because great power competition and the battle of ideas […]

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