CIA Chief William Burns visits Russia

Moscow/Washington: – William Burns, the head of the US Central Intelligence Agency, is on a tour of Russia with a US delegation. A spokesman for the US embassy in Russia said the meeting took place at the suggestion of President Joe Biden. Tensions between the United States and Russia have risen, with both countries expelling several diplomats and staff from each other’s embassies.  


On Tuesday, CIA chief Burns arrived in Russia with a delegation. Burns and the US delegation will be in Russia on Tuesday and Wednesday. Moreover, it appears that they will hold talks with senior officials and leaders. Upon his arrival in Russia, the CIA chief has met and held discussions with Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia’s National Security Council. It is learned that meetings were also held with a delegation from Russia following this.  

Relations between the United States and Russia are currently strained over issues like the Middle East conflict, Iranian nuclear program, cyberattacks, espionage, Ukraine and Alex Navalny. Former officials and analysts have claimed that relations between the two countries have hit rock bottom since the Cold War. A few days ago, the two countries also expelled officials and staff from each other’s embassies.  

The picture is that US President Biden has initiated steps to improve relations between the two countries. In June, Biden met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was followed by a visit to Russia by Victoria Nuland, a senior State Department official, last month. Now, the issue of relations between the two countries has once again come on the anvil with the arrival of a key US delegation along with the CIA Chief. 

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