Chinese warship pursued by Japan

Chinese warship pursued by Japan

Beijing : The Japanese fighter planes chased the Chinese aircraft carrier warship which was passing through Japan’s Miyako and Okinawa islands. The Defence Ministry of China made a comment against Japan about this event, which occurred a few days back. Yang Yujun , spokesperson for the Chinese Defense Ministry made a remark that the Japanese […]

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Iran’s ally Oman to Participate in Saudi’s ‘Gulf army’

Iran’s ally Oman to Participate in Saudi’s ‘Gulf army’

Dubai : Oman has declared its participation into Saudi’s ‘anti-terrorism war’ and ‘Gulf Army’. Oman’s Defense Minister ‘Badr Bin Saud Al-Busaidi’ declared their decision in a letter to Saudi Arabia. Surprise is being expressed at this ally of Iran joining Saudi-led group. Meanwhile, Pakistani media has been claiming that Pakistan’s ex-army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif […]

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DRDO successfully tests indigenously developed ‘Smart Anti-Airfield Weapon’

DRDO successfully tests indigenously developed ‘Smart Anti-Airfield Weapon’

Chandipur (Orissa): India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)) has developed a ‘Smart Anti-Airfield Weapon’ (SAAW) capable of destroying a runway on an enemy airbase. The ‘SAAW’ developed by the ‘DRDO’ is India’s fully indigenised weapon system and with its successful testing, India has made a place for itself in the league of select few nations […]

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The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is an agency of the Republic of India, charged with the military‘s research and development, headquartered in New Delhi, India. It was formed in 1958 by the merger of the Technical Development Establishment and the Directorate of Technical Development and Production with the Defence Science Organisation. It is […]

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Russia deploys army at Ukraine border ahead of Ukraine’s anti-aircraft missile tests

Russia deploys army at Ukraine border ahead of Ukraine’s anti-aircraft missile tests

Moscow: Ukrainian test-fired a staggering 16 ‘S-300’ medium-range missiles ignoring Russia’s threat. Ukraine President Poroshenko hinted that these tests could be viewed as a preparatory measure if there was an attempted infiltation by the Russian Army in Ukraine. A few hours prior to these tests, Russia had deployed 55 thousand soldiers on the Russian-Ukrainian border […]

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The Indian Naval Chief visits Sri Lanka amidst its political instability

The Indian Naval Chief visits Sri Lanka amidst its political instability

Colombo : The Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Sunil Lanba is on a visit to Sri Lanka. Admiral Lanba attended the ‘Galle Dialogue’, an annual conference organized between the Indian and Sri Lankan Navies. The Naval Chief is to meet and hold talks with the Sri Lankan President, Maithripala Sirisena, the Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe and […]

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Largest ever destroyer of Indian make ‘INS Chennai’ commissioned into Indian Navy

Largest ever destroyer of Indian make ‘INS Chennai’ commissioned into Indian Navy

Mumbai : On Monday, the largest-ever indigenous destroyer ‘INS Chennai’  was  inducted into the Indian Navy in the presence of the Defence Minister, Manohar Parrikar. ‘INS Chennai’ is the third ‘Kolkata’ class destroyer and it was constructed in the ‘Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited’. During the event, Defence Minister Parrikar warned in clear words that even […]

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Donald Trump’s victory shakes the ‘New World Order’

Donald Trump’s victory shakes the ‘New World Order’

Washington: Donald Trump’s victory who campaigned with the slogan ‘Make America Great again’ is believed to have shocked the establishment governing the ‘New International System’. Analysts and media claim that Donald Trump’s threat to cancel the ‘NAFTA’ and ‘Trans-Pacific Partnership’ international trade agreements, warnings regarding ‘NATO’, his aggressive stand towards refugees and his offensive against […]

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