Israeli-Saudi-Bahraini-Egyptian fighter jets patrol with US bombers to warn Iran

Israeli-Saudi-Bahraini-Egyptian fighter jets patrol with US bombers to warn Iran

Washington – As Western countries’ concerns grow over Iran’s nuclear program, a US Air Force B-1B strategic bomber patrolled the Middle East. Photographs have surfaced of Israeli fighter jets accompanying the US bombers. Along with Israel, fighter jets from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt have flown with the US bomber at various stages. The Israeli […]

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Iran’s largest naval ship sinks; 400 soldiers rescued

Iran’s largest naval ship sinks; 400 soldiers rescued

Tehran – IRIS Kharg, one of the largest Iranian naval ships, caught fire and sank on Wednesday. The Iranian investigation agencies are searching for the cause of the fire, but no credible reason has been found till now. This incident took place near the Strait of Hormuz, the route for the highest crude oil movement. […]

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US Navy fires warning shots at Iranian patrol vessels

US Navy fires warning shots at Iranian patrol vessels

Washington/Tehran : A US destroyer fired 30 warning shots at the Iranian fast-attack boats, sailing at a distance of a mere 140 metres from the US submarine and destroyers. Pentagon criticised that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards tried to instigate the US navy in the Strait of Hormuz. This is the second face-off between the US […]

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Mysterious explosion in Israeli ship in the Gulf of Oman, Iran claims of avenging US attack in Syria

Mysterious explosion in Israeli ship in the Gulf of Oman, Iran claims of avenging US attack in Syria

Tel Aviv/Moscow: There was a mysterious explosion in an Israeli cargo ship sailing through the Gulf of Oman. Over the last few years, Iran has carried out attacks on cargo ships and oil tankers from Norway, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and other countries in this marine sector. Therefore, it is suspected that Iran […]

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Iran should not take wrong steps, appeals US CENTCOM Chief

Iran should not take wrong steps, appeals US CENTCOM Chief

Muscat/Tehran: US CENTCOM Chief General Kenneth McKenzie appealed, ‘The United States is trying to salvage the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. At this time, everyone should take cautious and sensible steps. While efforts are going into rebuilding mutual trust, Iran should not take any incorrect steps.’ While making this appeal, General McKenzie pointed out to Iran […]

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Arab nations normalising relations with Israel will burn, top Iranian military official warns

Arab nations normalising relations with Israel will burn, top Iranian military official warns

Tehran: Major General Hossein Salami, the chief of the Iranian missiles department, threatened that Arab countries should not cooperate with Israel. As if that happens, they will also be signed in the fire that Israel is burning in. Salami also threatened that President Biden should not repeat the mistakes made by the Trump administration.   Iranian […]

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Iranian commander threatens to destroy US warships

Iranian commander threatens to destroy US warships

Tehran: – General Rahim Noei-Aghdam of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards threatened ‘In the past the presence of US warships in the Persian Gulf, was considered to be a threat for Iran. But now the situation has changed as Iran is in possession of missiles and ability to destroy the US warships.’ A leading Iranian news agency published this news. A few days ago, […]

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