Iran sheltering Al Qaeda terrorists, alleges the US  

Iran sheltering Al Qaeda terrorists, alleges the US  

Washington: – Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism. Iran is harbouring even Al Qaeda terrorists, along with Hezbollah and Hamas. The US state department, in its latest report, has accused Iran of training and funding these Al Qaeda terrorists to fight in the Afghanistan and Syrian conflicts. The report says that because of the […]

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At least 100 killed in Yemen conflict, Saudi busts sabotage plan of the Houthi rebels

At least 100 killed in Yemen conflict, Saudi busts sabotage plan of the Houthi rebels

Sana/Riyadh: More than 100 people were killed in the conflict between the military and the Houthi rebels in various parts of Yemen, in the last 24 hours. There are a minimum of 80 Houthi rebels, in the people killed. Along with this military action, the Saudi navy destroyed two ships of the Houthi rebels, loaded […]

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26 terrorists from Iran affiliated group killed in an airstrike on the Iraq-Syria border

26 terrorists from Iran affiliated group killed in an airstrike on the Iraq-Syria border

Baghdad: 26 terrorists were killed in an airstrike on the base of an Iran affiliated group, near the Syria-Iraq border. The Syrian human rights organization informed that this attack was carried out on the base of Iran affiliated group Hashed Al-Shabi. A few hours ago, three US and British soldiers were killed in the rocket […]

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Iran-allied militia in Iraq warn Iraq’s president of war

Iran-allied militia in Iraq warn Iraq’s president of war

Baghdad: Kataeb Hezbollah, an Iran-backed terrorist outfit in Iraq that has been creating political influence in the country has warned Iraq President, Barham Salih of war. The militia also warned that appointing Mustafa al-Kazimi, the intel-chief of Iraq, as country’s Prime Minister would mean war on the people of Iraq. They also accused Kazimi of […]

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Rocket attacks near US embassy in Iraqi capital of Baghdad

Rocket attacks near US embassy in Iraqi capital of Baghdad

Baghdad: There were fresh rocket attacks on the green zone, home to many important offices including the US embassy, in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. No losses have been reported in the attack, which took place at 3.24 a.m. on Sunday on this region classified as high-security. No terrorist organisation has accepted the responsibility of […]

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83 soldiers killed in Houthi rebel attack in Yemen, Saudi supported Yemen launches a military campaign against the Houthis

83 soldiers killed in Houthi rebel attack in Yemen, Saudi supported Yemen launches a military campaign against the Houthis

Sana: 83 soldiers were killed in an attack launched by the Houthi rebels on the Yemenis military base. The Yemen military informed that the Houthi rebels used missiles and drones to carry out the attack. Yemeni President Abd Mansur Hadi criticised that the Houthi rebels carried out a cowardly attack. The hopes of establishing a […]

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India should mediate to resolve the US-Iran dispute, appeals Iran

India should mediate to resolve the US-Iran dispute, appeals Iran

New Delhi: Iranian Foreign Minister Jawad Zarif, returned to the homeland, on completion of his three-day visit to India. Zarif made a striking statement before completing this visit. Foreign Minister Zarif said that India could play an essential role in resolving the dispute between Iran and the United States. At the same time, saying that […]

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Joint action by the US and Iraqi military against terrorists

Joint action by the US and Iraqi military against terrorists

Washington: – The counter-terrorism actions, which were under a Halt Order, have been restarted, in Iraq. A military official informed that the US and Iraqi military have started joint actions, in certain parts of Iraq. There is a reaction expected from the Iran affiliated leaders and armed groups over these actions.   At the beginning of […]

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