The UK is at war every day because of the cyberattacks from Russia and other countries, says British defence chief General Nick Carter

The UK is at war every day because of the cyberattacks from Russia and other countries, says British defence chief General Nick Carter

London/Moscow: The character of warfare is evolving. Distinctions between peace and war “don’t exist any longer” in the modern world. I feel I am now at war, but it’s not a war in the way we would have defined it in the past. And that is because great power competition and the battle of ideas […]

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US launches cyberattacks against Iran, for attacking the oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, claims US newspaper

US launches cyberattacks against Iran, for attacking the oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, claims US newspaper

Washington: The United States has acted against Iran, responsible for secret attacks on the foreign oil tankers, passing through the Persian Gulf. The US newspaper ‘The New York Times’ claimed that the United States has carried out a cyberattack on the main systems of the coveted Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The newspaper claimed that Iran was […]

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US Bank ‘Capital One’ suffers a major cyberattack, personal data of more than 100 mn customers hacked

US Bank ‘Capital One’ suffers a major cyberattack, personal data of more than 100 mn customers hacked

Washington: A massive cyberattack was carried out on ‘Capital One’, a leading financial institution in the United States and data of more than 100 million customers was revealed to have been hacked. Paige Thomson, a 33-year-old woman, was arrested in connection to the hacking case. However, a big group is suspected of having been involved […]

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The threat of cyberattacks against the US increases, with nexus between Iran and China, claims media

The threat of cyberattacks against the US increases, with nexus between Iran and China, claims media

Washington/Tehran/China: Iran and China have indicated to join hands, to retaliate against the monopolistic attitude and the sanctions of the United States. The meetings over the last few days and the statements issued are pointing to that. The media claimed that the possibility of cyberwars has increased further due to this alliance. The United States […]

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China and Iran increase number of cyberattacks on the United States

China and Iran increase number of cyberattacks on the United States

Washington/Beijing: There is a marked increase in cyberattacks on the government agencies and big companies in the United States and it has been exposed that Iran and China are behind the attacks. The US National Security Agency, as well as private cybersecurity companies, have issued this warning. The trade war initiated with China and the […]

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In computers and computer networks an attack is any attempt to expose, alter, disable, destroy, steal or gain unauthorized access to or make unauthorized use of an asset. Wikipedia

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Iran will launch cyberattacks on the West, EU agency report

Iran will launch cyberattacks on the West, EU agency report

Brussels: The European Union digital security agency has warned that Iran is likely to increase cyber activity against the Western countries considering the rising tensions between them. The security agency claimed that Iran might carry out the cyberattacks given the EU stance on Iran since the last few days. After the nuclear deal signed between […]

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Sanctions against Russian companies carrying out cyberattacks on the US

Sanctions against Russian companies carrying out cyberattacks on the US

Washington/Moscow: The United States has announced new sanctions against Russia, which is carrying out cyber-attacks on sensitive agencies and infrastructural facilities in the United States. US Secretary of Treasury, Steven Mnuchin announced imposition of sanctions on five Russian companies and three industrialists. Russia has expressed deep regret about the sanctions and the Russian deputy Foreign […]

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Russia will carry out aggressive cyberattacks, warns UK

Russia will carry out aggressive cyberattacks, warns UK

London: The UK issued a serious warning saying that Russia had completed its preparation to retaliate against the United States- UK-France attacks on Syria and will carry out big and aggressive cyberattacks. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said that ‘after reviewing the history of the Russian cyberattacks on other countries in the past, the possibility […]

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US to cooperate with Asian countries on intelligence against China, US officials say

US to cooperate with Asian countries on intelligence against China, US officials say

Washington – Currently, the United States cooperates bilaterally and trilaterally with Asian countries to counter China’s threat of cyberattacks and spying apparatus installed at various places. Also, it has been setting up a network of spy cooperation in China’s neighbouring countries to corner China. The US officials informed that the Five Eyes group, formed earlier […]

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