3 killed in terror attack on the Christmas Market in Strasbourg France, 27 crimes registered against suspected terrorist

3 killed in terror attack on the Christmas Market in Strasbourg France, 27 crimes registered against suspected terrorist

Strasberg: Three people were killed in the terrorist attack on the Christmas Market in the city of Strasbourg in France on Tuesday. Although the security forces engaged the terrorist in an encounter, he succeeded in escaping, and a massive special operation to arrest him has been undertaken. Cherif Chekatt is the name of the terrorist, […]

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Rising public discontent forces German agencies to initiate massive campaign against criminal Arab gangs

Rising public discontent forces German agencies to initiate massive campaign against criminal Arab gangs

Berlin: The local administration has taken a decision to act against the 20 odd criminal Arab gangs in Germany that have established a network of violence and crime. Till date the German agencies had ignored the activities of these gangs giving them an opportunity to expand their operations. But in the last few months the […]

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Massacre the Jews and take over Jerusalem; Imam Okasha incites the Gaza public

Massacre the Jews and take over Jerusalem; Imam Okasha incites the Gaza public

Gaza: Imam Ahmed Okasha, a religious preacher from the Gaza Strip, made a provocative statement saying, ‘Jerusalem should be captured only after the massacre of the Jewish people.’ Only a day before this, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had warned that the extremists in the Gaza Strip had declared a Jihad against Israel. The Israeli […]

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Iranian soldiers and Hezbollah terrorists get Syrian citizenship, claims study group in the Middle East

Iranian soldiers and Hezbollah terrorists get Syrian citizenship, claims study group in the Middle East

Cairo: The Assad government in Syria, endorsing the Iranian military and Hezbollah terrorist deployment in the country has started awarding citizenship to the Iranian soldiers and Hezbollah supporters. A leading study group in the Gulf has made this claim. The study group has said that this will make thousands of soldiers of Iran, Hezbollah and […]

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59. Alarm bells of conflicts

59. Alarm bells of conflicts

The British rule over Palestine began from the year 1918. Immediately after winning the world war, Britain placed the territory under the military rule which was later replaced in 1921 by a civilian administration. As a consequence of the relentless efforts by Theodore Herzl and by the Zionist Organization that he had founded, due to […]

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Plot for the terror attack at Melbourne in Australia busted; three suspected extremists arrested

Plot for the terror attack at Melbourne in Australia busted; three suspected extremists arrested

Melbourne: A major terror attack plotted to be executed at a crowded location in Melbourne in Australia was busted. Three suspected Muslim youth were arrested on Tuesday early in the morning in a direct action taken by the Australian security agencies and produced before the court. All the three are Australian citizens of Turkish descent, […]

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Terrorists will use Canada as a base to attack the US, warn the analysts and experts

Terrorists will use Canada as a base to attack the US, warn the analysts and experts

Ottawa: The Canadian analysts have warned that there is an increase in the problem of radical Islamists, IS terrorists and Muslim Brotherhood in Canada and these terrorists can use Canada as a base to carry out terrorist activities in the United States. It has been observed that the population of the radical Islamists is increasing […]

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