Iran fires long-range missiles in the Indian Ocean

Iran fires long-range missiles in the Indian Ocean

 Washington: – Iran tested missiles with a strike range of 1,000 miles. One of these missiles landed at a distance of 20 miles from a commercial freight ship in the Indian Ocean. Whereas, as informed by a US news agency, the other missile landed just within 100 miles of US aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. A […]

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Iran reveals underground missile base

Iran reveals underground missile base

Tehran: – Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) revealed information regarding the underground missile base near the Strait of Hormuz. Senior officials of IRGC announced that these missiles could sink enemy warships. At the same time, IRGC held war exercises with 700 patrol vessels of different sizes and speedboats. The western media claim that these Iranian […]

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Iran seizes South Korean merchant vessel

Iran seizes South Korean merchant vessel

Dubai: Iranian Revolutionary Guards seized a South Korean ship from the Strait of Hormuz on Monday. It is claimed that Iranian action comes against the background of the trade dispute with South Korea.    The South Korean ship, Hankuk Chemi, which left from the Al-Jubail port in Saudi Arabia, was seized by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. […]

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US to sell Saudi Arabia 3,000 smart bombs

US to sell Saudi Arabia 3,000 smart bombs

Washington: – The United States announced the supply of arms worth USD 290 million to Saudi. Under this, the United States will be supplying a whopping 3,000 GBU-39 SDB 1 smart bombs to Saudi. The United States has announced this assistance because of the increasing Iranian activities in the Persian Gulf and its growing tension. […]

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US Nuclear submarine enters Persian Gulf, Israel submarine crosses Suez Canal

US Nuclear submarine enters Persian Gulf, Israel submarine crosses Suez Canal

Washington: – USS Georgia, the nuclear submarine from the US navy, equipped with 154 tomahawk missiles has reached the Persian Gulf. The US Navy announced that the submarine has passed the Strait of Hormuz. Given the tension reigning high with Iran, the nuclear submarine’s deployment, in the Persian Gulf, becomes significant. Meanwhile, an Israeli news […]

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Iran threatens Middle East and European countries along with the US

Iran threatens Middle East and European countries along with the US

Tehran: – Following the warnings for military attacks and Snapback sanctions, by US President Donald Trump, Iran has threatened the United States, its allies in the Middle East, along with the European countries. A senior official from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards threatened that the United States and all those who assisted the United States, in […]

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US to make sanctions more comprehensive against Iran

US to make sanctions more comprehensive against Iran

Washington/Tehran: US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, announced that the scope of sanctions, related to the Iranian nuclear and missiles program and military, will be increased. The US announcement came after Iran destroyed the replica of a US warship, during the war exercises in the Strait of Hormuz. Meanwhile, Iranian supremo Ayatollah Khamenei clarified that […]

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