Will attack Iran’s capital Tehran if Israel’s Tel Aviv is attacked, says Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman

Will attack Iran’s capital Tehran if Israel’s Tel Aviv is attacked, says Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman

London: ‘The Iranian government is counting its last days. If Iran attacks Tel Aviv, Israel will attack Tehran and destroy all the Iranian military bases in Syria posing a threat to Israeli security. Israel is willing to pay any price for this,’ warned Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman. Last week, 7 Iranian soldiers were killed […]

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Russia-Pakistan come closer, high-level security discussions have been completed

Russia-Pakistan come closer, high-level security discussions have been completed

Moscow/Islamabad: Russia and Pakistan held high level defence related discussions for the very first time. Pakistan’s National Security Advisor, Nasir Khan Janjua was in Russia for these discussions. The discussions included exchanges in the fields of space, nuclear power, cyber and confidential information. Only a few days ago, the Pakistani Defence Minister, Khurram Dastgir had […]

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Russia successfully tests new ‘Anti-satellite’ and ‘Supersonic cruise’ missiles on the background of conflict in Syria

Russia successfully tests new ‘Anti-satellite’ and ‘Supersonic cruise’ missiles on the background of conflict in Syria

Moscow: Against the background of the deteriorating situation in Syria, Russia successfully tested ‘Anti-Satellite’ ‘Nudol’ missile capable of weakening the United States communication and connectivity systems. The Russian sources claimed that the missile test was conducted near the Russian capital, Moscow. It has come to light that the Russian navy tested the ‘P-500 Bazalt’ supersonic […]

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Iran will respond to the attack on Syria within a week, claims Western media

Iran will respond to the attack on Syria within a week, claims Western media

Tehran: The attack by the United States, Britain and France on Syria proves to be a crime. President Trump of the United States, Theresa May of the UK and Emmanuel Macron of France, who ordered the attack, are criminals. Such was the criticism showered by Iranian supreme religious leader Ayatollah Khamenei. The newspapers from the […]

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US, France and UK attack Syria

US, France and UK attack Syria

Washington: The United States, France and UK attacked Syria by firing more than hundred missiles on Saturday, at dawn. US President Donald Trump announced and claimed triumphantly that the attacks had been successfully executed. “These nuclear attacks were essential to teach Syria a lesson, as scores lives of its own innocent citizens and kids were being […]

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Russian President’s explosive message for ‘wisdom’

Russian President’s explosive message for ‘wisdom’

Moscow:  Concerns are expressed from around the world over the possibility of a war between the United States and Russia over the Syrian issue. The leaders and the military officials of both the countries have warned that they are prepared for the war. But President Putin, who had been issuing strong statements against United States […]

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Ahead of Trump and Kim Jong-Un’s meet, US holds secret talks with North Korea, with initiative from CIA and its former chief Mike Pompeo

Ahead of Trump and Kim Jong-Un’s meet, US holds secret talks with North Korea, with initiative from CIA and its former chief Mike Pompeo

Washington: It is revealed that a confidential meeting between the United States and North Korea has been held against the background of the scheduled historic meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korea Dictator ‘Kim Jong Un’. The United States media have published the information about the meeting and it is claimed that this is […]

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UK opens permanent military base HMS Juffair in Middle East after four decades

UK opens permanent military base HMS Juffair in Middle East after four decades

Manama/London: Britain has commissioned its first permanent military base in the Middle East which is the epicentre of global events due to Syria, Yemen, the Israel-Palestine conflict and the Iranian nuclear program. Britain has established its base called the ‘HMS Juffair’ at Bahrain in the Persian Gulf. Also, 500 soldiers and warships will be deployed […]

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Negotiating with Israel is Saudi Arabia’s unpardonable mistake: Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei

Negotiating with Israel is Saudi Arabia’s unpardonable mistake: Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei

Tehran: ‘Negotiating with the treacherous, lying and tyrannical government of Israel is an unpardonable mistake on the part of Saudi Arabia. Saudi has betrayed the faith of the Palestinian people because of this’, was the vitriolic criticism showered on Saudi Arabia by the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khamenei. Two days ago, Saudi Arabia’s Crown […]

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Russian President Putin to visit Turkey for trilateral talks between Russia, Turkey and Iran

Russian President Putin to visit Turkey for trilateral talks between Russia, Turkey and Iran

Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin will be reaching the Turkish capital Ankara for a discussion with Turkey and Iran about the Syrian crisis. Participation of the Russian President in this tripartite talk has attracted the attention of analysts the world over in view of the escalating Syrian crisis, Iranian nuclear program and the Israel and […]

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