North Korean President orders citizens to evacuate the capital, claims Russian and South Korean media

North Korean President orders citizens to evacuate the capital, claims Russian and South Korean media

Seoul: In spite of only a few hours remaining for the deployment of America’s aircraft carrier warship on to the Korean waters, the leader of the North Korean governance, Kim Jong-un ordered the residents of Pyongyang,the capital of the country, to leave the city immediately. Both Russia and South Korea’s press has claimed that these orders […]

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Trump criticises North Korea over its growing irresponsibility

Trump criticises North Korea over its growing irresponsibility

Washington/Beijing: The US President, Donald Trump criticised North Korea’s supreme leader ‘Kim Jong-un’, over his increasing irresponsibility who added to the tensions in the Korean region by testing an advanced rocket engine. President Trump held a special meeting with security advisors which also included senior military officials after North Korea carried out the said tests. […]

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Aggressive Expansion of Russian Defense

Aggressive Expansion of Russian Defense

Moscow : Considering the worldwide rapidly changing equations and also the current aggressive military trials attempted by Europe, Russia has been taking giant strides to empower their own defense. Lately the Defense Minister of Russia, Sergey Shoygu has made an announcement regarding the same in their Parliament. In the coming few years according to the […]

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Iran’s senior army official in Russia despite UN ban

Iran’s senior army official in Russia despite UN ban

Washington/Tehran: The Iranian ‘Quds Force’ Major General ‘Qassem Soleimani’ made a visit to Russia despite a ban being imposed on him by the US and UN. Western intelligence agencies claim that General Soleimani’s visit to Russia was planned in view with the increasing military and economic ties between Saudi Arabia and Russia. Strong reactions are […]

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Russia inducts ‘Plasma’, ‘Laser’ and ‘Electromagnetic’ weapons in its arsenal- Russian Deputy Defence Minister

Russia inducts ‘Plasma’, ‘Laser’ and ‘Electromagnetic’ weapons in its arsenal- Russian Deputy Defence Minister

Moscow : Russian deputy Defence Minister claims that Russia has developed ‘Plasma’, ‘Laser’ and ‘Electromagnetic’ technology based advanced ‘Hypersonic’ weapons. The time taken from deciding to strike and striking the target could now be minimised to a few seconds.  To keep up with the evolving war dynamics, Russia is developing advanced weapons informed the Russian […]

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North Korea to test intercontinental missiles, indications of stern consequences from US

North Korea to test intercontinental missiles, indications of stern consequences from US

Seoul/Washington: “North Korea will soon conduct tests of the intercontinental ballistic missiles, capable of reaching up to the United States,” declared the dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un. He also indicated that the intercontinental missiles could be launched loaded with ‘hydrogen bombs’.The United States has expressed its outrage at this announcement, while the United States […]

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‘India should learn from China’, advices China’s national daily.

‘India should learn from China’, advices China’s national daily.

Beijing : ‘India’s high ambition and its actual competence are far apart. Even a nation as powerful as the United States rethinks, many a times, before challenging China’s sovereignty. Hence India’s attempt of challenging China by using Mongolia and the Dalai Lama is foolishness. India should take lessons from China’s handling of relations with Donald […]

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